Trance in hypnosis and hypnotherapy
  • AuthorZenoshoenergy
  • Publish DateAugust 14, 2022
  • Last UpdateAugust 14, 2022
  • CategoriesHypnotherapy and Past Life Regression
  • MembershipFree
  • Reading Time5 minutes

4 levels of Trance that every healer should know [What Happens in Trance in Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy and Meditation?]

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction to Trance
  • Foundation of Trance
  • Level of Trance
    • Conscious Trance Level
    • Semi-Conscious Trance Level
    • Semi-Deep Trance Level
    • Deep- Trance Level
  • Conclusion

Introduction to Trance

What happens During the Trance in Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy?

As a trained hypnotherapist, I have been in various states of trance.

Or you could say that the depth of Trans varies according to the state of trance you are in.

First, understanding trance is necessary in order to respond to the question.

The state is not a trance. It is the route to a particular state. In order to be hypnotised, trance is required. To fall asleep, meditate, or engage in hypnotherapy, you should be in a trance or travel/pass through a Trance.

Non Verbal Hypnosis trance

Foundations of Trance

This is the PATH. Trance is merely a vehicle via which the mental state might move to undergo hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Therefore, I’ve divided trance into four levels based on my experience with clients and myself.

These levels are determined by:

1. Physical awareness such as bodily senses, sound,

2. Mental awareness such as smell

My personal opinion is that trance is not a state of mind. Prior to arriving at a certain location during hypnosis, hypnotherapy, or meditation, a person is in a deep sleep-like state that is called a trance.


Level of Trance

Let’s now discuss the trance Level.


Conscious Trance Level:

This is the trance in which you would not realise yourself for a while or pass out for just a second or minute.

Certain areas of our brain stop functioning during the conscious state and desire to leave. This trance might occur anywhere and from a few seconds to one to two hours.

Numerous people are capable of being hypnotised while driving, staring, or thinking profoundly.

People sometimes lose or forget their physiological senses while in this stupor.

In this trance, people might not be able to undergo hypnosis or hypnotherapy.


Semi-Conscious Trance Level:

You won’t entirely feel your body during this trance, but you will be able to hear sounds more clearly.

The individual in trance can hear a pin drop in this stage of trance.

Hypnosis can occur in some people just partially or only briefly.

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Semi-Deep Trance Level:

The individual in trance may be able to pass through and be hypnotised in this state. You are close to your subconscious mind while in this trance.

However, this trance is not sufficiently profound to reveal the truth about that person’s wants. If you have a verbal or nonverbal connection with the person, they may be able to complete any task you have assigned to them.

The hypnotist or Hypnotherapist should consider taking more deeper into the Path or Trance.

In this trance, You must comprehend the trance person’s behaviour, language, and customs while they are in this state.

You cannot entirely alter a person’s habit while they are in this trance-like condition that hypnotises them.

Due to a little difference in language understanding, an eastern Indian hypnotist cannot entirely hypnotise Bengali people.

People enter a semi-deep trance before dreaming.

Deep- Trance Level:

In order to obtain results in hypnotism or hypnotherapy, I understand that a person must be in a deep trance.

After this trance only hypnotised voices, thoughts, and directions are audible here. so that one can reach that level where the answer lies.

If a client didn’t receive any answers to the quest then he/she hasn’t been to this trance.

People will travel through this stage tranquilly and quiet and arise refreshed.

Therefore, you must go through a deep trance in order to enter a deep state of hypnosis for hypnotherapy. You will hear affirmations of your positive intentions and positions discussed with the hypnotherapist while you are in a deep state of hypnosis.

In hypnosis, the hypnotist assigns you a task to perform, so you subconsciously pay attention to the hypnotist’s speech to finish the assignment without having any beneficial effects on your personal growth.



In hypnotherapy, a hypnotherapist helps you access your own subconscious mind so that you can achieve the desired outcome that you set before the session. The most powerful method to access your subconscious mind is hypnotherapy.

You can certainly communicate with your subconscious mind during a deep trance to obtain success or favourable results in your life.

Note: There are other many states of Trance or Dimension of Trance as well.


Want to Experience Trance? Book your Hypnotherapy with Prakash Bhattarai in person or online.


Hypnotherapists in Canberra


Keywords: Trance, Hypnosis, Meditation and Hypnotherapy, Learn Hypnosis, Does hypnosis Works, Learning Meditation for BeginnersMasters of Breathing for Mental healthOnline Course creation.

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