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  • AuthorZenoshoenergy
  • Publish DateOctober 23, 2020
  • Last UpdateJuly 28, 2021
  • CategoriesSpiritual Guide
  • MembershipFree
  • Reading Time5 minutes

The 7 Layers of AURA Part 1

What is an Aura?

The human aura ( energy field ) has an oval ( an egg or a cocoon ) type of shape around the body. The layers of the aura start from the level of the physical body. According to Bruce Tainio, a famous microbiologist, a healthy physical body resonates at a frequency of 62-70 MHz. If the frequency declines below 57 MHz, colds, and influenza start, if the frequency drops below 58 MHz, diseases develop. He states that bacteria and viruses resonate at a low frequency which drags the normal frequency down and if the frequency falls below 25 MHz, the process of death begins.

Now, let’s discuss all the 7 Aura bodies in detail. 

The Lower Etheric Body

What is the Lower Etheric Body?

The Etheric body is the 1st layer of the Aura after the physical body. It is the bridge between the physical body and the subtle body. So, it functions as a transmitter of energies of the higher bodies down into the Physical body and the consciousness and associates with physical life, physical pleasure and pain, and physical health and wellbeing. This body is associated with the root chakra ( Muladhara Chakra). Physically active people have a strong Etheric body while inactive people or people with low immunity have a weak Etheric body. This body is connected with power channels, called meridians in the physical body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) meridians are the pathways of the vital life-energy.

What is the area covered by the aura of the Etheric Body?

The thickness of the Etheric body also matters. The field of this layer spans from ½ inch to 2 inches from the surface of the skin. People with thin layers are easily influenced or dominated by others. According to Para-normal Psychology, those with a thin layer of Etheric body easily get scared or possessed by spirits. 

What is the color of the Etheric Body?

The color of this body can vary from light blue to dark gray but since it is related to the Root Charka, it is influenced by the red color. (The color of the Root Chakra is red )A person with an appealing personality has a light blue-colored while a person with a repulsive personality has a gray-colored Etheric body.

How can we become aware of the Etheric Body?

The awareness of the Etheric body can be gained by Yogic Breathing Exercises (Pranayama), Tai chi, and many others. Listening to music in the “C” Note (“A” Note tuned in 432 Hertz) influences this layer of the body. 


The Emotional Body

What is the Emotional Body?

The Emotional body is the 2nd layer of the Aura. This body associates with emotional balance, desires, imagination, and psychic abilities and the Sacral Chakra.

What is the area covered by the aura of the Emotional Body?

The field of the Emotional body extends from two to five centimeters from the surface of the skin.

What is the color of the Emotional Body?

The color of this body consists of all the rainbow colors. The colors change depending on the emotional state of a person but since it is associated with the Sacral Chakra, it is influenced by the orange color. (The color of the Sacral Chakra is orange)Muddy and cloudy color in this layer represents emotional instability and disorders. The emotions range from sadness to ecstasy and all the emotions between them like; hatred, fear, grief happiness, love, and others.

How can we stimulate the Emotional Body?

The Emotional body can be stimulated through compassionate and selfless everyday acts. Listening to music in the “D” Note (“A” Note tuned in 432 Hertz) influences this layer of the body.

The Mental Body

What is the Mental Body?

The Mental body is the 3rd layer of the Aura. This body is associates with thoughts and cognitive (mental) state and attitude of a person and the Solar Plexus Chakra.

What is the area covered by the aura of the Mental Body?

The field of this layer extends from 6 to 10 centimeters from the surface of the skin.

What is the color of the Mental Body?

The color of this body is yellow. It is observed that the more a person is mentally active, the more bright the yellow color is and since it is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra, it is influenced by the yellow color. (The color of the Solar Plexus is yellow)

How can we stimulate the Mental Body?

The Mental body can be stimulated through intellectual and creative exercises. Listening to music in the “E” Note (“A” Note tuned in 432 Hertz) influences this layer of the body.

The Astral Body

What is the Astral Body?

The Astral Body is the 4th layer of the Aura. This body is the point where the 1st three bodies, the Etheric, the Emotional, and the Mental get an expression altogether and functions as a bridge between the frequencies of the lower and denser bodies and the frequencies of the higher and finer bodies. This body is associated with the Heart Center. 

What is the area covered by the aura of the Astral Body?

The field of this layer extends from 15 to 30 centimeters from the surface of the skin.

What is the color of the Astral Body?

The color of this body is pink. It is observed that the more loving and compassionate people are, the more pinkish the layer become but since it is associated with the Heart Chakra, it is influenced by the green color. (The color of the Heart Chakra is green)

What are the experiences associated with the Astral Body and what music kind of music influences this body?

Experiences like; vivid dreams, visions, outside body experience, and near-death experience are related to this the Astral body. Listening to music in the “F” Note (“A” Note tuned in 432 Hertz) influences this layer of the body.

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